They were joined by the House Chaplain Margaret Kibben, where Schumer proclaimed, "We are not election deniers," and added that pardoning those who were in the riot would set a "terrible example."
"Gracious and almighty God, this day means so much to so many people. What was intended to be a historical parliamentary procedure turned quickly into turmoil. The frustration and anger and fear. We pray now that on this day, 4 years later, that you would enter into the space. In a much different way, in a way that allows for peace. And for conversation. And for reconciliation, for an opportunity for us to look back on our memories wherever we were that day." the chaplain said.
"Whether we were on the floor, whether we were carrying a camera or a microphone. Whether we were in uniform, protecting those whom we serve, whomever we were. Whenever we find ourselves to be today, we ask that you would in some way transform our memories. That the blessing that we would have would be to be the reminder of the calling to which you have called us to serve you carefully and faithfully," Kibben added in the prayer.
After ending the prayer, Schumer said, "We remember all of those who were hurt, even lost their lives as a result of what happened on January 6th, 24 years ago, 2021. And pray for them and their peace." Schumer echoed sentiment similar to historical catastrophes in the United States, saying, "There's lots of people who want us to forget, who want to sweep it under the rug, who want to change the story. We will never forget. We cannot forget."