The incident occurred on Tuesday when the woman, Dashawna Williams, reportedly punched a nurse in the face with a closed fist while receiving treatment at the hospital. According to law enforcement, Williams admitted to striking the nurse because of her race.
Officers responded to the scene and took Williams into custody. She has been charged with assault. Authorities noted that Williams is believed to have mental health conditions, and crisis intervention team officers were present at the hospital during the incident.
Court records also revealed that Williams had an outstanding warrant from December 4 in connection to a carjacking case, according to a report from WREG.
Last year, she allegedly approached a man outside a convenience store, pretended to have a gun, and demanded his Nissan Altima. After taking the vehicle, she reportedly sold it for $40. Williams was later arrested for the incident and a bail setting hearing was scheduled, but charges of carjacking were dismissed due to lack of prosecution. However, the warrant was still active at the time of her alleged punching of a nurse practitioner.
Williams is being held on a $50,500 bond. Her next court date will take place on January 7, 2025.