The incident took place at BC’s Red Mountain Ski Resort where social media posts came down on Trudeau and his security detail for intimidating locals. Duggan approached Trudeau saying, "Mr. Prime Minister" and shook his hand. She then told him to “get the f*ck out of BC."
Duggan was later asked in an interview whether it was appropriate for anyone to use a swear word in front of the prime minister’s kids, “Now you also said, you know, Trudeau takes his kids to pride parades, where they're exposed to all sorts of deviancy. So it feels as though he doesn't want his kids exposed to criticism of him. It's not about the vulgarity of it, apparently,” Duggan told Rebel News.
“Yeah, I'm not going to want for one moment, pretend to know what that guy is thinking, but what I will say about the criticism that I'm receiving for speaking that way to a father in front of his child – because I think that's what the issue is, is that I said that to a father in front of his child — my response to that is: I'm not entirely sure how to keep up with what we're sheltering our children from and what we're not sheltering our children from.
“This is a man who has approved sexually explicit materials to be available in schools across our nation, explicit materials that talk about blow jobs, sexual orientation, anal sex. And then these people that support this, they want to be upset that I dropped an F bomb in front of his children.”